Beyond Patrol

Your digital solution to support
your surveys and inspections

inspection contact


Set up in just a few clicks


Optimal use of resources


Inspection data traceability

Optimise Enhance Monitor Manage Digitise your surveys and inspections

Digital inspection solution

Organisation of the inspection strategy for its structures

The office application allows you to define your roadmap, including the planning of surveys and their allocation to different teams.

Compliant and guided surveys execution

The mobile application brings together all the points to be inspected in the target area via a route that enables reports to be checked and consolidated, while adding new data relating to the structures inspected.

Beyond Suite
Building construction worksite

Consolidation and management of inspection data

Once the inspections have been done, the manager can use the office application to consult the information provided to monitor the evolution of structures over time and check that the inspection strategy is being correctly implemented.

Our Beyond Patrol solution dedicated to: Engineering consultancies Infrastructure managers Engineering offices Control offices

Beyond Patrol contributes to the assessment of structure by identifying and tracking observations.

Definition of the roadmap

Scheduling of surveys

Surveys assignment

List of surveys execution

Road of the current survey

Observations from the field

Check and consolidation of observations

Information sharing

Supervision of the survey execution

Structure evolution monitoring

Roadmap control

Cooperation between the various stakeholders

Monitoring the progress of observations

Data security

Standardisation of inspections

Productivity improvement

Easy and intuitive to use

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